Panelist, "Queer Psychoanalysis" MLA, Philadelphia, Jan 5-8 2024
Invited Distinguished Scholar Presentation, "Erotophobia" Women's & Gender Studies Program, Johns Hopkins University, Nov 29, 2023, Baltimore
Invited Scientific Meeting Address, "Laplanche in America" Toronto Psychoanalytic Scientific Institute, Nov 5, 2023, Toronto
"The Wish" Parapraxis Seminar, Nov 12, 2023 New York City
Panel presentation, "Helplessness, Agency, and Sexuality: Consent Today" MLA, Jan 5-8 2023, San Francisco
Invited Presentation, "Lauren Berlant's Affects" MLA, Jan 5-8 2023, San Francisco
Invited Speaker, Dialogues Series, "Radical Psychoanalysis: Laplanche in America" Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Dec 4, 2023, New York City
Keynote Address, "The Fear and Hatred of Sex" New Center for Psychoanalysis, Nov 20, 2023, Los Angeles
invited Presentation, "Shattering Sex, or a Toxic Relationship: Bersani Today" Afterlives of the Anti-social symposium, UC Irvine, Sept 22, 2022
Invited Lecture, "Laplanche in America," Columbia University Psychoanalytic Studies Program, May 4, 2022, New York City
Lecture, "The Self-Centeredness of Psychoanalysis" with Adrienne Harris and Jonathan House, Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis, New York University, Nov 14, 2021
Speaker, "Affect Theory and Psychoanalysis" Psychology & the Other, Boston College, Sept 19, 2021
Book Talk with Sarah Manguso, McNally Jackson, May 11, 2021
Book Talk with Emily Rapp Black, Seminary Coop Bookstore, April 21, 2021
Invited Keynote Speaker, “Queering Psychoanalysis? A Critical Exploration of Queer Theory and Psychoanalysis” Washington Square Institute, 43rd Annual Conference, New York City, January 27, 2019
“Just Because You’re Paranoid, Doesn’t Mean they Aren’t After You: Queer Theory and Postcritique” NeMLA, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, April 11-13, 2018
“Wo Es War, the Other has Been: Lacan, Laplanche and the Critique of Queer Theory” LACK Conference on Lacan, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Oct 20-24, 2017
“The Post-Psychological Subject” Psychology and the Other, Lesley College, Cambridge, MA, Oct 12 – 15, 2017
“Telling Relational Time: Transference and the Ideology of Affect: A Laplanchian Critique” Affect Theory Conference: Worldings, Tensions, Futures Millersville University, Lancaster, PA, Oct 14-17, 2015
“A Materialist Metapsychology: Rethinking Psychoanalysis, Relationality and Critique through Jean Laplanche” For A Materialist Psychoanalysis Conference Center for Research in Philosophy, Literature, and the Arts University of Warwick UK May 7-9, 2015