Masochism: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge) (under contract)
Exigent Psychoanalysis: The Interventions of Jean Laplanche (Routledge, 2021)
Homo Psyche: On Queer Theory and Erotophobia (Fordham UP, 2021)
Aural History (Punctum, 2020)
"Drink Responsibly: On Morality and Perversion" (differences, forthcoming)
"Autotheory, Critical and Clinical” Psychoanalytic Dialogues (2024) Vol. 34, 356-366.
"The Wise Baby and the Original Hermeneut" (Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2023)
"Tender Pessimism" (differences, 2022)
"Adults Only: Lee Edeleman's No Future and the Limits of Queer Critique" (book chapter) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)
"The Misdiagnosis of Critique" (Criticism, 2019)
"Sex instead of Shattering: A Critical Exploration of Bersani and Laplanche" (Studies in Gender & Sexuality, 2019)
"The Ideology of Transference: Laplanche and Affect Theory" (Studies in Gender & Sexuality, 2018)
"Two Girls: Berlant + Sedgwick, Relational and Queer" (Postmodern Culture, 2016)
"The Gift(book) that keeps on Giving: Poe, "The Purloined Letter," Rereading, Reprinting and Detective Fiction" (Poe Studies, 2012)
"Erotic Mourning: Post-traumatic Sexual Desire in Dave Eggers' "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" (Comparative Literature and Culture, 2010)
"Toxic Relationships in the Affective Age" (Los Angeles Review of Books, December 2020)